Novel molecular mechanisms of dendritic cell-induced T cell activation

Vanessa E. Woodhead, Timothy J. Stonehouse, Michael H. Binks, Katharina Speidel, David A. Fox, Antoni Gaya, Deborah Hardie, Anthony J. Henniker, Vaclav Horejsi, Kimitaka Sagawa, Keith M. Skubitz, Hristo Taskov, Robert F. Todd, Andre Van Agthoven, David R. Katz, Benjamin M. Chain

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46 Scopus citations


In this study we have re-examined the molecular mechanisms involved in activation of T cells by dendritic cells (DC). Human peripheral blood DC (PBDC) were derived by 2 h adhesion followed by 7 day culture in a combination of granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor and IL-4, and depletion of residual T and B cells. These PBDC were used to induce autologous T cell proliferation in a CD3-dependent response, and antibodies against CD11a/18 and CD86 were used as control inhibitors of accessory function. Antibodies against five of the cell surface molecules that we have recently identified on the surface of DC, CD13, CD87, CD98, CD147 and CD148, and an antibody which recognizes a molecule that has not as yet been identified, all inhibited the CD3-induced T cell proliferation. These findings were observed not only when antibodies were present throughout the culture, but also when they were prepulsed on to the surface of the DC, suggesting the inhibition was mediated via the antigen-presenting cells rather than the T cell. The same set of antibodies also inhibited an allospecific mixed lymphocyte reaction, confirming that the inhibitory effect was not dependent on the use of a CD3 antibody as the stimulating agent. All the antibodies of known specificity inhibited both CD4 and CD8 T cells equally. Unlike CD87, CD98 and CD147 antibodies, which inhibited activation of both CD45RA (naive) T cells and CD45RO (memory) T cells, CD13 and CD148 appeared to be involved in activation of naive cells only. The molecules identified in this study have not previously been demonstrated to play a role as accessory molecules on DC, the cells that are pivotal for immune induction. Therefore they may provide new potential targets for modulation of the immune response at the APC level.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1051-1061
Number of pages11
JournalInternational Immunology
Issue number7
StatePublished - 2000

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This work was supported by the Austrian Research Funds projects P1280/1-3MED and P14549-MOB.


  • CD13
  • CD147
  • CD148
  • CD87
  • CD98
  • Dendritic cell
  • T cell activation


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