Non-canonical role for lpar1-egfp subplate neurons in early postnatal mouse somatosensory cortex

Filippo Ghezzi, Andre Marques-Smith, Paul G. Anastasiades, Daniel Lyngholm, Cristiana Vagnoni, Alexandra Rowett, Gokul Parameswaran, Anna Hoerder-Suabedissen, Yasushi Nakagawa, Zoltan Molnar, Simon J.B. Butt

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Scopus citations


Subplate neurons (SPNs) are thought to play a role in nascent sensory processing in neocortex. To better understand how heterogeneity within this population relates to emergent function, we investigated the synaptic connectivity of Lpar1-EGFP SPNs through the first postnatal week in whisker somatosensory cortex (S1BF). These SPNs comprise of two morphological subtypes: fusiform SPNs with local axons and pyramidal SPNs with axons that extend through the marginal zone. The former receive translaminar synaptic input up until the emergence of the whisker barrels, a timepoint coincident with significant cell death. In contrast, pyramidal SPNs receive local input from the subplate at early ages but then – during the later time window – acquire input from overlying cortex. Combined electrical and optogenetic activation of thalamic afferents identified that Lpar1-EGFP SPNs receive sparse thalamic innervation. These data reveal components of the postnatal network that interpret sparse thalamic input to direct the emergent columnar structure of S1BF.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numbere60810
StatePublished - Jul 2021

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Research in the Butt lab that contributed to this work was funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC)(MR/K004387/1), Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/P003796/1), Human Frontiers Science Program Organisation (CDA0023/2008 C), and Brain and Behavior Research Foundation (Narsad; ref 19079). Studentships awarded to FG and AM-S were funded by the Wellcome Trust; PGA was funded by an Imperial College London studentship; CV was funded by an MRC studentship. Funding for equipment came from the Wellcome Trust (089286/Z/09/Z) and OUP John Fell Fund (AV6721-C8000). Work in the Molnár laboratory related to early cortical circuit formation was funded by the MRC (G00900901, MR/N026039/1), Royal Society, and Anatomical Society.

Publisher Copyright:
© Ghezzi et al.


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