Non-Abelian vortex in four dimensions as a critical superstring

M. Shifman, Alexei V Yung

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2 Scopus citations


We discuss recent progress in describing a certain non-Abelian vortex string as a critical superstring on a conifold and clarify some subtle points. This particular solitonic vortex is supported in four-dimensional supersymmetric QCD with the gauge group, Nf = 4 quark flavors and the Fayet–Iliopoulos term. Under certain conditions, the non-Abelian vortex can become infinitely thin and can be interpreted as a critical ten-dimensional superstring. In addition to four translational moduli, the non-Abelian vortex under consideration carries six orientational and size moduli. The vortex moduli dynamics are described by a twodimensional sigma model with the target space ℝ4 × Y6, where Y6 is a non-compact Calabi–Yau conifold. The closed string states that emerge in four dimensions (4D) are identified with hadrons of 4D bulk N= 2 QCD. It turns out that most of the states arising from the ten-dimensional graviton spectrum are non-dynamical in 4D. A single dynamical massless hypermultiplet associated with the deformation of the complex structure of the conifold is found. It is interpreted as a monopole–monopole baryon of the 4D theory (at strong coupling).

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)60-68
Number of pages9
JournalJETP Letters
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 1 2017

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Inc.


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