Multijet decays of quarkonia: Testing the three-gluon vertex

K. Koller, K. H. Streng, T. F. Walsh, P. M. Zerwas

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


We study the 4-jet and photon plus 3-jet decays of orthoquarkonia, 3S1(QQ)→GGGG+GGqq→4 jets, 3S1(QQ→γGGG+γGqq→γ+3 jets. We show that the characteristic features of the jet distributions in the final state are determined by the 3-gluon vertex of quantum chromodynamics. These decays of a heavy quarkonium resonance (toponium) will offer clear signals for the gluons' self-coupling which can establish QCD as a local non-abelian gauge theory.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)273-297
Number of pages25
JournalNuclear Physics, Section B
Issue number2
StatePublished - Oct 11 1982

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Short-distance processes in quantum chromodynamics create partons-quarks and gluons. If all relevant distances are small, these partons have large momenta (of order of the inverse distance) and are well separated in momentum space. Partons do not appear at large distances ~>10 -13 cm, but jets of hadrons do. If the jets are narrow and well enough separated in momentum space to be resolved, they tell us the energy and angle distribution the partons had at short distance. (Of course, there will be fluctuations from the confinement process which makes a jet, so that the original parton momenta cannot be precisely defined. This smearing is less important the higher the momentum.) Through parton distributions at short distances we can check that QCD is a local gauge theory with colored spinor quarks and colored vector gluons with a self-interaction \[1\]. That is the aim of the present paper. We look at parton or jet * Work supported in part by the Department of Energy, contract number DE-ACO3-76SF00515, and in part by the Kade Foundation. ** Permanent address, after 1 December 1981. 1 Kade Foundation Fellow, on leave from Technische Hochschule Aachen. 273


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