Models of transportation and land use change: A guide to the territory

Michael Iacono, David Levinson, Ahmed El-Geneidy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

195 Scopus citations


Modern urban regions are highly complex entities. Despite the difficulty of modeling every relevant aspect of an urban region, researchers have produced a rich variety of models dealing with interrelated processes of urban change. The most popular types of models have been those dealing with the relationship between transportation network growth and changes in land use and the location of economic activity, embodied in the concept of accessibility. This article reviews some of the more common frameworks for modeling transportation and land use change, illustrating each with some examples of operational models that have been applied to real-world settings. It then identifies new directions for future research in urban modeling and notes the important contributions of the field to date.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)323-340
Number of pages18
JournalJournal of Planning Literature
Issue number4
StatePublished - May 2008


  • Gravity model
  • Land use
  • Mathematical models
  • Microsimulation
  • Transportation planning
  • Urban growth


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