Modeling the vertical Bridgman growth of cadmium zinc telluride II. Transient analysis of zinc segregation

Satheesh Kuppurao, Simon Brandon, Jeffrey J. Derby

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

85 Scopus citations


A transient analysis of the vertical Bridgman growth of large-diameter, cadmium zinc telluride is conducted using a finite element model which accounts for the details of heat transfer, melt convection, solid/liquid interface shape, and zinc segregation. Significant axial and radial segregation is produced by convective mixing in the melt; the system is far from the diffusion-controlled limit. Previous experimental reports of "anomalous" axial segregation are explained by solid-state diffusion mechanisms. Lowering the growth rate is predicted to slightly increase axial segregation but markedly reduce radial segregation. The geometry of the ampoule cone region is shown to significantly affect the initial growth transient.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)103-111
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Crystal Growth
Issue number1-2
StatePublished - Oct 1 1995

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This work was supportedin part by Johnson MattheyE lectronicsI,n c., underc ontracMt DA972-91-C-0046,I R Materials Producibilityf, rom the AdvancedR esearchP rojectsA gency,M icroelectron-ics TechnologOy ffice,and by the NationalS cience Foundationu nder grant number DMR-9058386. Computationrael sourcews erep rovidedb y the Uni-versityo f MinnesotSau percomputIenrs titutea ndt he Army High PerformancCeo mputinRge searcCh enter undert he auspiceso f the Departmenotf the Army, Army ResearchL aboratoryc ooperativea greement DAAH04-95-2-0003/contraDcAt AH04-95-C-0008, the contenot f whichd oesn otn ecessarilrye flectt he positiono r policy of the governmenatn, dno official endorsemensht ouldb e inferred.S B acknowledges supporbt y The Fund for the Promotiono f Research at theT echniona ndby The Centerf or Absorptionin ScienceM, inistryo f ImmigranAt bsorptionS, tateo f Israel. SK gratefullya cknowledgethse h ospitalitoyf SB andt hef acultya nds taffo f Technion.


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