Mixing of the Seneca and Blue Lake waste water treatment plant effluents with the Minnesota River

Heinz G. Stefan, Gerard J. Farrell, Michael J. Riley, Katherine F. Lindquist, Georgios M. Horsch

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


Eight field surveys, forty five laboratory experiments, and several types of analyses have produced information to understand and predict the mixing of the Seneca and Blue Lake WWTP effluents with the Minnesota River to a reasonable degree. Both discharges are from submerged pipes, 7 ft and 6.5 ft in diameter, respectively. The mean annual discharge rates are at present on the order of 23 to 25 cfs and at velocities on the order of .6 to .8 fps.
Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - Nov 1984


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