Misunderstanding the female athlete triad: Refuting the IOC consensus statement on relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S)

Mary Jane De Souza, Nancy I. Williams, Aurelia Nattiv, Elizabeth Joy, Madhusmita Misra, Anne B. Loucks, Gordon Matheson, Marion P. Olmsted, Michelle Barrack, Rebecca J. Mallinson, Jenna C. Gibbs, Marci Goolsby, Jeanne F. Nichols, Barbara Drinkwater, Charlotte Sanborn, Rosemary Agostini, Carol L. Otis, Mimi D. Johnson, Anne Zeni Hoch, Julia M K AlleyneL. Tyler Wadsworth, Karsten Koehler, Jaci Van Heest, Paula Harvey, Amanda K Weiss Kelly, Michael Fredericson, George A. Brooks, Emma O'Donnell, Lisa R. Callahan, Margot Putukian, Lauren Costello, Suzanne Hecht, Mitchell J. Rauh, Jacalyn McComb

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

66 Scopus citations


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