Micronuclei frequency and character coherence in Avena sativa L./A. fatua L. crosses

J. J. Luby, D. D. Stuthman, R. L. Phillips

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2 Scopus citations


The use of micronuclei frequency per microspore quartet (MF) has been proposed to indicate the relative reduction in chromosome homology among interspecific oat (Avena L.) hybrids. Hybrids with lower MF would presumably undergo greater genetic recombination, providing greater opportunity for breaking linkages that contribute to association, or coherence, of desirable and undesirable characters in progenies. Microspore quartets from 63 A. sativa/A. fatua hybrids were observed. Character coherence was examined in progenies of the four hybrids with the highest MF (2.22 to 2.82 micronuclei/quartet) and four hybrids with the lowest MF (0.23 to 0.31 micronuclei/quartet) to determine whether a relationship existed between MF and character coherence. Coherence of seed disarticulation with quantitative characters that differentiate the parental species was more frequent in high MF crosses as was expected if high MF is indicative of reduced recombination. However, incidence of coherence between seed color and the quantitative characters was not related to MF differences among the crosses. Likewise, the degree of coherence among the quantitative characters, as measured by coefficients of concordance, was not associated with differences in MF among the crosses. Thus, coherence of the characters studied was not associated consistently with differences in MF.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)367-373
Number of pages7
JournalTheoretical and Applied Genetics
Issue number4
StatePublished - Jul 1 1985


  • Genetic diversity
  • Interspecific cross
  • Introgression
  • Oat
  • Recombination


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