Mechanical performance of acrylic bone cements containing different radiopacifying agents

M. P. Ginebra, L. Albuixech, E. Fernández-Barragán, C. Aparicio, F. J. Gil, J. San Román, B. Vázquez, J. A. Planell

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

130 Scopus citations


The effect that three different radiopacifying agents, two of them inorganic (BaSO4, ZrO2) and one organic (an iodine containing monomer, IHQM) have on the static and dynamic mechanical properties of acrylic bone cements was studied. Compressive and tensile strength, fracture toughness and fatigue crack propagation were evaluated. The effect of the inorganic fillers depends on their size and morphology. In relation to the radiolucent cement, the addition of zirconium dioxide improved significantly the tensile strength, the fracture toughness and the fatigue crack propagation resistance. In contrast, the addition of barium sulphate produced a decrease of the tensile strength, but did not affect the fracture toughness and improved the crack propagation resistance. When the iodine containing monomer was used, although the tensile strength and the fracture toughness increased, the fatigue crack propagation resistance remained as low as it was for the radiolucent cement.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1873-1882
Number of pages10
Issue number8
StatePublished - Apr 15 2002

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Financial Support from the Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a (Grant No. MAT99-1064) is gratefully acknowledged.


  • Acrylic bone cements
  • Fatigue crack propagation
  • Mechanical properties
  • PMMA
  • Radiopacifying agents


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