Measurements of the absolute branching fractions for Ds+ →ηe+νe and Ds+ →η′e+νe

M. Ablikim, M. N. Achasov, S. Ahmed, X. C. Ai, O. Albayrak, M. Albrecht, D. J. Ambrose, A. Amoroso, F. F. An, Q. An, J. Z. Bai, O. Bakina, R. Baldini Ferroli, Y. Ban, D. W. Bennett, J. V. Bennett, N. Berger, M. Bertani, D. Bettoni, J. M. BianF. Bianchi, E. Boger, I. Boyko, R. A. Briere, H. Cai, X. Cai, O. Cakir, A. Calcaterra, G. F. Cao, S. A. Cetin, J. Chai, J. F. Chang, G. Chelkov, G. Chen, H. S. Chen, J. C. Chen, M. L. Chen, P. L. Chen, S. J. Chen, X. Chen, X. R. Chen, Y. B. Chen, H. P. Cheng, X. K. Chu, G. Cibinetto, H. L. Dai, J. P. Dai, A. Dbeyssi, H. Muramatsu, R. Poling, (BESIII Collaboration)

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22 Scopus citations


By analyzing 482 pb-1 of e+e- collision data collected at s=4.009 GeV with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider, we measure the absolute branching fractions for the semileptonic decays Ds+→ηe+νe and Ds+→η′e+νe to be B(Ds+→ηe+νe)=(2.30±0.31±0.08)% and B(Ds+→η′e+νe)=(0.93±0.30±0.05)%, respectively, and their ratio B(Ds+→η′e+νe)B(Ds+→ηe+νe)=0.40±0.14±0.02, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second ones are systematic. The results are in good agreement with previous measurements within uncertainties; they can be used to determine the η-η′ mixing angle and improve upon the Ds+ semileptonic branching ratio precision.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number112003
JournalPhysical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Issue number11
StatePublished - Dec 6 2016

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2016 American Physical Society.


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