Measurement of the single π 0 production rate in neutral current neutrino interactions on water

K. Abe, J. Amey, C. Andreopoulos, M. Antonova, S. Aoki, A. Ariga, Y. Ashida, S. Assylbekov, D. Autiero, S. Ban, M. Barbi, G. J. Barker, G. Barr, C. Barry, P. Bartet-Friburg, M. Batkiewicz, V. Berardi, S. Berkman, S. Bhadra, S. BienstocKA. Blondel, S. Bolognesi, S. Bordoni, S. B. Boyd, D. Brailsford, A. Bravar, C. Bronner, M. Buizza Avanzini, R. G. Calland, T. Campbell, S. Cao, S. L. Cartwright, R. Castillo, M. G. Catanesi, A. Cervera, A. Chappell, C. Checchia, D. CherdacK, N. Chikuma, G. Christodoulou, A. Clifton, J. Coleman, G. Collazuol, D. Coplowe, L. Cremonesi, A. Cudd, A. Dabrowska, G. De Rosa, T. Dealtry, P. F. Denner, S. R. Dennis, C. Densham, D. Dewhurst, F. Di Lodovico, S. Di Luise, S. Dolan, O. Drapier, K. E. Duffy, J. Dumarchez, M. Dunkman, P. Dunne, M. Dziewiecki, S. Emery-SchrenK, A. Ereditato, T. Feusels, A. J. Finch, G. A. Fiorentini, M. Friend, Y. Fujii, D. Fukuda, Y. Fukuda, A. P. Furmanski, V. Galymov, A. Garcia, S. G. Giffin, C. Giganti, K. Gilje, F. Gizzarelli, T. Golan, M. Gonin, N. Grant, D. R. Hadley, L. Haegel, J. T. Haigh, P. Hamilton, D. Hansen, J. Harada, T. Hara, M. Hartz, T. Hasegawa, N. C. Hastings, T. Hayashino, Y. Hayato, R. L. Helmer, M. Hierholzer, A. Hillairet, A. Himmel, T. Hiraki, A. Hiramoto, S. Hirota, M. Hogan, J. HoleczeK, F. Hosomi, K. Huang, A. K. Ichikawa, K. Ieki, M. Ikeda, J. Imber, J. Insler, R. A. Intonti, T. J. Irvine, T. Ishida, T. Ishii, E. Iwai, K. Iwamoto, A. Izmaylov, A. Jacob, B. Jamieson, M. Jiang, S. Johnson, J. H. Jo, P. Jonsson, C. K. Jung, M. Kabirnezhad, A. C. Kaboth, T. Kajita, H. Kakuno, J. Kameda, D. Karlen, I. Karpikov, T. Katori, E. Kearns, M. Khabibullin, A. Khotjantsev, D. Kielczewska, T. Kikawa, H. Kim, J. Kim, S. King, J. Kisiel, A. Knight, A. Knox, T. Kobayashi, L. Koch, T. Koga, P. P. Koller, A. Konaka, K. Kondo, A. Kopylov, L. L. Kormos, A. Korzenev, Y. Koshio, K. KowaliK, W. Kropp, Y. Kudenko, R. Kurjata, T. Kutter, J. Lagoda, I. Lamont, M. Lamoureux, E. Larkin, P. LasoraK, M. Laveder, M. Lawe, M. Lazos, M. Licciardi, T. Lindner, Z. J. LiptaK, R. P. Litchfield, X. Li, A. Longhin, J. P. Lopez, T. Lou, L. Ludovici, X. Lu, L. Magaletti, K. Mahn, M. MaleK, S. Manly, L. Maret, A. D. Marino, J. Marteau, J. F. Martin, P. Martins, S. Martynenko, T. Maruyama, V. Matveev, K. Mavrokoridis, W. Y. Ma, E. Mazzucato, M. McCarthy, N. McCauley, K. S. McFarland, C. McGrew, A. Mefodiev, C. Metelko, M. Mezzetto, P. Mijakowski, A. Minamino, O. Mineev, S. Mine, A. Missert, M. Miura, S. Moriyama, J. Morrison, Th A. Mueller, S. Murphy, J. MysliK, T. Nakadaira, M. Nakahata, K. G. Nakamura, K. Nakamura, K. D. Nakamura, Y. Nakanishi, S. Nakayama, T. Nakaya, K. Nakayoshi, C. Nantais, C. Nielsen, M. Nirkko, K. Nishikawa, Y. Nishimura, P. Novella, J. NowaK, H. M. O'Keeffe, R. Ohta, K. Okumura, T. Okusawa, W. OryszczaK, S. M. Oser, T. Ovsyannikova, R. A. Owen, Y. Oyama, V. Palladino, J. L. Palomino, V. Paolone, N. D. Patel, P. Paudyal, M. Pavin, D. Payne, J. D. Perkin, Y. Petrov, L. Pickard, L. Pickering, E. S. Pinzon Guerra, C. Pistillo, B. Popov, M. Posiadala-Zezula, J. M. Poutissou, R. Poutissou, A. Pritchard, P. Przewlocki, B. Quilain, T. Radermacher, E. Radicioni, P. N. Ratoff, M. Ravonel, M. A. Rayner, A. Redij, E. Reinherz-Aronis, C. Riccio, P. Rojas, E. Rondio, B. Rossi, S. Roth, A. Rubbia, A. C. Ruggeri, A. Rychter, R. Sacco, K. Sakashita, F. Sánchez, F. Sato, E. Scantamburlo, K. Scholberg, J. Schwehr, M. Scott, Y. Seiya, T. Sekiguchi, H. Sekiya, D. Sgalaberna, R. Shah, A. Shaikhiev, F. Shaker, D. Shaw, M. Shiozawa, T. Shirahige, S. Short, M. Smy, J. T. SobczyK, H. Sobel, M. Sorel, L. Southwell, P. Stamoulis, J. Steinmann, T. Stewart, P. Stowell, Y. Suda, S. Suvorov, A. Suzuki, K. Suzuki, S. Y. Suzuki, Y. Suzuki, R. TaciK, M. Tada, S. Takahashi, A. Takeda, Y. Takeuchi, R. Tamura, H. K. Tanaka, H. A. Tanaka, D. Terhorst, R. Terri, T. Thakore, L. F. Thompson, S. Tobayama, W. Toki, T. Tomura, C. Touramanis, T. Tsukamoto, M. Tzanov, Y. Uchida, A. Vacheret, M. Vagins, Z. Vallari, G. Vasseur, C. Vilela, T. Vladisavljevic, T. Wachala, K. Wakamatsu, C. W. Walter, D. WarK, W. Warzycha, M. O. Wascko, A. Weber, R. Wendell, R. J. Wilkes, M. J. Wilking, C. Wilkinson, J. R. Wilson, R. J. Wilson, C. Wret, Y. Yamada, K. Yamamoto, M. Yamamoto, C. Yanagisawa, T. Yano, S. Yen, N. Yershov, M. Yokoyama, J. Yoo, K. Yoshida, T. Yuan, M. Yu, A. Zalewska, J. Zalipska, L. Zambelli, K. Zaremba, M. Ziembicki, E. D. Zimmerman, M. Zito, J. Żmuda

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


The single π0 production rate in neutral current neutrino interactions on water in a neutrino beam with a peak neutrino energy of 0.6 GeV has been measured using the PØD, one of the subdetectors of the T2K near detector. The production rate was measured for data taking periods when the PØD contained water (2.64×1020 protons-on-target) and also periods without water (3.49×1020 protons-on-target). A measurement of the neutral current single π0 production rate on water is made using appropriate subtraction of the production rate with water in from the rate with water out of the target region. The subtraction analysis yields 106±41±69 signal events where the uncertainties are statistical (stat.) and systematic (sys.) respectively. This is consistent with the prediction of 157 events from the nominal simulation. The measured to expected ratio is 0.68±0.26(stat)±0.44(sys)±0.12(flux). The nominal simulation uses a flux integrated cross section of 7.63×10-39 cm2 per nucleon with an average neutrino interaction energy of 1.3 GeV.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number032002
JournalPhysical Review D
Issue number3
StatePublished - Feb 1 2018

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
We thank the J-PARC staff for superb accelerator performance. We thank the CERN NA61/SHINE Collaboration for providing valuable particle production data. We acknowledge the support of MEXT, Japan; NSERC (Grant No.SAPPJ-2014-00031), NRC and CFI, Canada; CEA and CNRS/IN2P3, France; DFG, Germany; INFN, Italy; National Science Centre (NCN) and Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland; RSF, RFBR, and MES, Russia; MINECO and ERDF funds, Spain; SNSF and SERI, Switzerland; STFC, UK; and DOE, U.S. We also thank CERN for the UA1/NOMAD magnet, DESY for the HERA-B magnet mover system, NII for SINET4, the WestGrid and SciNet consortia in Compute Canada, and GridPP in the United Kingdom. In addition, participation of individual researchers and institutions has been further supported by funds from ERC (FP7), H2020 Grant No.RISE-GA644294-JENNIFER, EU; JSPS, Japan; Royal Society, UK; the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the DOE Early Career Program, USA.

Funding Information:
We thank the J-PARC staff for superb accelerator performance. We thank the CERN NA61/SHINE Collaboration for providing valuable particle production data. We acknowledge the support of MEXT, Japan; NSERC (Grant No. SAPPJ-2014-00031), NRC and CFI, Canada; CEA and CNRS/IN2P3, France; DFG, Germany; INFN, Italy; National Science Centre (NCN) and Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland; RSF, RFBR, and MES, Russia; MINECO and ERDF funds, Spain; SNSF and SERI, Switzerland; STFC, UK; and DOE, U.S. We also thank CERN for the UA1/NOMAD magnet, DESY for the HERA-B magnet mover system, NII for SINET4, the WestGrid and SciNet consortia in Compute Canada, and GridPP in the United Kingdom. In addition, participation of individual researchers and institutions has been further supported by funds from ERC (FP7), H2020 Grant No. RISE-GA644294-JENNIFER, EU; JSPS, Japan; Royal Society, UK; the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the DOE Early Career Program, USA.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2018 authors.


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