Maximizing Vocational Outcome after Brain Injury: Integration of Medical and Vocational Hospital-Based Services

James F. Malec, Angela L.H. Buffington, Anne M. Moessner, Jeffrey M. Thompson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


To describe a medical and vocational case-management system that has been implemented at the Mayo Medical Center in Rochester, Minnesota, to decrease the time between onset of brain injury and successful community reintegration. Barriers to employment are identified and targeted as part of a system that integrates medical center- and community-based services. The success of the project will be determined by several sources, including the Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory, a vocational rating scale, and traditional measures of vocational success (for example, level of independent living, job type and setting, rate of pay, and the type and cost of vocational supports being used). Overall study outcomes will be compared against benchmarks derived from the literature on vocational outcome after brain injury. Preliminary data are encouraging that project goals are attainable. The medical case-management system has decreased the amount of time between injury and initiation of vocational and other rehabilitation services. During the first year, 67 persons with brain injury began receiving vocational services through the project, and 34% are in community-based nonsheltered work or training programs. Second-year data will reveal whether the goal of 70% placement within 9 months after admission to the project can be maintained.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1165-1171
Number of pages7
JournalMayo Clinic Proceedings
Issue number12
StatePublished - Jan 1 1995


  • BI
  • ETU
  • GSC
  • Glasgow Coma Scale
  • NCC
  • VCC
  • brain injury
  • emergency trauma unit
  • nurse case coordinator
  • vocational case coordinator


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