Managing quality in the E-service system: Development and application of a process model

Joy M. Field, Gregory R. Heim, Kingshuk K. Sinha

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

88 Scopus citations


In this paper, we develop a process model for assessing and managing e-service quality based on the underlying components of the e-service system and, in turn, address the growing need to look in more detail at the system component level for sources of poor quality. The proposed process model is comprised of a set of entities representing the e-service system, a network defining the linking between all pairs of entities via transactions and product flows, and a set of outcomes of the processes in terms of quality dimensions. The process model is developed using Unified Modeling Language (UML), a pictorial language for specifying service designs that has achieved widespread acceptance among e-service designers. Examples of applications of the process model are presented to illustrate how the model can be use to identify operational levers for managing and improving e-service quality.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)291-306
Number of pages16
JournalProduction and Operations Management
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2004


  • E-commerce
  • E-services
  • Process model
  • Quality management
  • Service operations


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