Long-term stability of neural signals from microwire arrays implanted in common marmoset motor cortex and striatum

Shubham Debnath, Noeline W. Prins, Eric Pohlmeyer, Ramanamurthy Mylavarapu, Shijia Geng, Justin C. Sanchez, Abhishek Prasad

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


Current neuroprosthetics rely on stable, high quality recordings from chronically implanted microelectrode arrays (MEAs) in neural tissue. While chronic electrophysiological recordings and electrode failure modes have been reported from rodent and larger non-human primate (NHP) models, chronic recordings from the marmoset model have not been previously described. The common marmoset is a New World primate that is easier to breed and handle compared to larger NHPs and has a similarly organized brain, making it a potentially useful smaller NHP model for neuroscience studies. This study reports recording stability and signal quality of MEAs chronically implanted in behaving marmosets. Six adult male marmosets, trained for reaching tasks, were implanted with either a 16-channel tungsten microwire array (five animals) or a Pt-Ir floating MEA (one animal) in the hand-arm region of the primary motor cortex (M1) and another MEA in the striatum targeting the nucleus accumbens (NAcc). Signal stability and quality was quantified as a function of array yield (active electrodes that recorded action potentials), neuronal yield (isolated single units during a recording session), and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Out of 11 implanted MEAs, nine provided functional recordings for at least three months, with two arrays functional for 10 months. In general, implants had high yield, which remained stable for up to several months. However, mechanical failure attributed to MEA connector was the most common failure mode. In the longest implants, signal degradation occurred, which was characterized by gradual decline in array yield, reduced number of isolated single units, and changes in waveform shape of action potentials. This work demonstrates the feasibility of long-term recordings from MEAs implanted in cortical and deep brain structures in the marmoset model. The ability to chronically record cortical signals for neural prosthetics applications in the common marmoset extends the potential of this model in neural interface research.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number055025
JournalBiomedical Physics and Engineering Express
Issue number5
StatePublished - Aug 31 2018
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2018 IOP Publishing Ltd.


  • electrode failure
  • marmosets
  • microelectrode array
  • neuroprosthetics


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