Localization of type IV collagen in the basement membranes of human prostate and lymph nodes by immunoperoxidase and immunoalkaline phosphatase

Akhouri A. Sinha, Donald F. Gleason, Onofrea F. Deleon, Michael J. Wilson, Catherine Limas, Pratap K. Reddy, Leo T. Furcht

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12 Scopus citations


The object of these studies was to examine the localization of type IV collagen (Coll‐IV) in the basement membranes (BM) of epithelial and stromal elements (smooth muscle, nerves, vessels) in normal, hyperplastic, and neoplastic (primary and metastatic) prostate. We also examined the relationship of Coll‐IV distribution to the degree of tumor differentiation (Gleason grading system). We compared immunoperoxidase (IP) and immunoalkaline phosphatase (AP) techniques in these studies and in selected samples we also evaluated immunofluorescence (IF) localization of Coll‐IV and the effects of tissue fixation and pepsin digestion. We found that IF localization of Coll‐IV was intense in unfixed sections. IP and AP reactions were absent in fixed, paraffin‐embedded sections but pepsin treatment yielded intense and uniform reaction products in these same preparations. Both the IP and AP techniques showed similar localization of Coll‐IV in the BM of normal, hyperplastic, and well‐differentiated tumor. In most of the higher‐grade tumors Coll‐IV localization was reduced and a similar pattern of distribution was observed after IP and AP techniques. However, in some high‐grade tumors the IP technique showed good localization but AP did not, and vice versa. Such discrepancies were noted in the BM of the tumor cells, as well as in the BM of the stromal elements and in lymph nodes with metastatic tumor. Thus, our study shows decreased Coll‐IV localization in higher‐grade tumors and suggests that the use of a single technique (IP or AP) may exaggerate this apparent loss of Coll‐IV BM components. The exact cause of these discrepancies is unknown but they must reflect variable losses in the ability of the tumor cells to form BM, degradation or decreased synthesis of BM components by high‐grade tumors, or a combination of the above.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)93-104
Number of pages12
JournalThe Prostate
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1991


  • hyperplastic and neoplastic prostate
  • mast cells
  • metastatic lymph nodes
  • normal
  • prostatic stroma
  • tumor differentiation
  • tumor grade


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