Local commutativity versus Bell inequality violation for entangled states and versus non-violation for separable states

Michael Seevinck, Jos Uffink

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By introducing a quantitative "degree of commutativitya" in terms of the angle between spin observables we present two tight quantitative trade-off relations in the case of two qubits. First, for entangled states, between the degree of commutativity of local observables and the maximal amount of violation of the Bell inequality: if both local angles increase from zero to π/2 (i.e., the degree of local commutativity decreases), the maximum violation of the Bell inequality increases. Secondly, a converse trade-off relation holds for separable states: if both local angles approach π/2 the maximal value obtainable for the correlations in the Bell inequality decreases and thus the non-violation increases. As expected, the extremes of these relations are found in the case of anticommuting local observables where, respectively, the bounds of 22 and 2 hold for the expectation value of the Bell operator. The trade-off relations show that noncommmutativity gives "a more than classical resulta" for entangled states, whereas "a less than classical resulta" is obtained for separable states. The experimental relevance of the trade-off relation for separable states is that it provides an experimental test for two qubit entanglement. Its advantages are twofold: in comparison to violations of Bell inequalities it is a stronger criterion and in comparison to entanglement witnesses it needs to make less strong assumptions about the observables implemented in the experiment.

Original languageEnglish
Article number042105
JournalPhysical Review
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2007


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