Linked microstructural and geochemical evolution of mylonitic quartzite during exhumation of a core complex

Jennifer M. Taylor, Christian Teyssier, Donna L. Whitney, Rory R. McFadden, Fabrice Barou

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


A novel method for combining microstructural analysis and Ti-in-quartz measurements is used to characterize interactions between quartz deformation and Ti equilibration during progressive deformation and cooling in a mylonitic shear zone. Mylonitic quartzite from the Wildhorse detachment, the major bounding structure of the Pioneer metamorphic core complex (Idaho, USA), contains a continuum of microstructures: minimally deformed relict grains, quartz ribbons, and a matrix dominated by subgrain rotation recrystallization. EBSD and semi-quantitative Ti mapping via EPMA and cathodoluminescence imaging are used to correlate quartz microstructure and Ti concentration [Ti]. The Ti-in-quartz thermobarometer is used to estimate P-T conditions during and prior to mylonitization. Relict and ribbon quartz preserve high [Ti] (∼60 ppm) indicative of temperatures >650 °C, whereas recrystallized quartz contains low [Ti] (<5 ppm), reflecting equilibration to temperatures <450 °C. The high-T record may reflect either relict conditions prior to detachment deformation or conditions that prevailed in the early stages of strain localization in the detachment, whereas the low-T record likely reflects the final stages of ductile deformation. The preservation of multiple microstructures with distinct [Ti] facilitates construction of a multi-phase history of linked ductile deformation and Ti equilibration during cooling.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number104846
JournalJournal of Structural Geology
StatePublished - Apr 2023

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This work was supported by University of Minnesota Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences Gibson funds and a GSA Graduate Student Research Grant. EPMA analyses were conducted with help and advice from Anette von der Handt. EBSD data processing greatly benefited from the help and expertise of Zach Michels.

Funding Information:
This work was supported by University of Minnesota Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences Gibson funds and a GSA Graduate Student Research Grant . EPMA analyses were conducted with help and advice from Anette von der Handt. EBSD data processing greatly benefited from the help and expertise of Zach Michels.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023


  • Core complex exhumation
  • Ductile shear zone
  • Dynamic recrystallization
  • Quartz microstructure
  • Ti-in-qtz thermobarometry
  • Trace elements


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