Late quaternary vegetation history of western Iran

W. van Zeist

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

64 Scopus citations


The palynological results are reported, which were obtained from two lake sites in the Zagros Mountains in western Iran, both situated in the oak-forest belt. The lower part of the Zeribar diagram (ca. 22,500-4,000 B.P.) suggests that during Full-glacial times an Artemisia steppe covered this part of the Zagros Mountains, implying a cool and dry climate. After about 14,000 B.P., gradual changes in the vegetation took place, reflecting an amelioration of climate. Between ca. 10,000 and ca. 6,000 B.P., a savanna with Pistacia and Quercus was present in the Zeribar area. After about 6,000 B.P., the savanna thickened to an oak forest, suggesting an increase in humidity to modern levels. The lower part of the Mirabad diagram reflects a savanna which here also changed into an oak forest.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)301-311
Number of pages11
JournalReview of Palaeobotany and Palynology
Issue number1-4
StatePublished - Jun 1967

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
The field work was supportedb y Grant GS-50 of the National Science Foundation to Professor R. J. Braidwood (Oriental Institute, University of Chicago)a nd the laboratoryw ork in part by the U.S. Office of Naval Research. The author wishes to thank ProfessorH . E. Wright (Universityo f Minnesota, Minneapolisf)o r many profitabled iscussionsH. e is also indebtedto Miss I. W. J. van Otterloof or technicaal ssistancaen d to Mr. B. Kuitert and Mr. J. Klein for the drawingsF. inally his thanksa redue to Dr. M. Stuiver( Yale UniversityN, ew Haven)f or the radiocarbomn easuremenatnsd to Dr. J. M. Matthews(U niversity of Lancasterf)o r the correctiono f the Englisht ext.

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