Lake superior rural cancer care project, part I: An intervention trial

Thomas E. Elliott, Barbara A Elliott, Ronald R. Regal, Colleen M. Renier, Byron J. Crouse, David E. Gangeness, Martha T. Witrak, Patricia B. Jensen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


PURPOSE: To date, effective cancer care and control intervention studies have been carried out largely in urban and suburban populations. This study was conducted to test innovative interventions, using experimental designs, to improve the care and outcomes of patient with cancer in rural settings. DESCRIPTION OF STUDY: The Lake Superior Rural Cancer Care Project (LSRCCP) tested an innovative, multimodal, multidiscriplinary intervention that involved rural healthcare providers and their healthcare system. An experimental design was used, with the rural community as the unit of randomization. Outcomes were measured at three levels: rural provides' knowledge of cancer management, providers' practice performance, and patient outcomes. This 5-year study was conduced in rural areas of northern Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the western part of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. RESULTS: Baseline data from the study are provided, and details of the design and methods are presented. The study outcomes are reported in part in "Lake Superior Rural Cancer Care Project Part II" in this issue and will be reported further in future issues. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: This article describes the hypotheses, design, and methods of the LSRCCP. The design and methods, as well as the results of this study may be useful to cancer researchers and clinicians in rural areas across the United States.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)27-36
Number of pages10
JournalCancer Practice
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2001


  • Health services research
  • Provider performance
  • Randomized controlled trial
  • Rural cancer care


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