Kinetics of lipid raft formation at lipid monolayer-bilayer junction probed by surface plasmon resonance

Yong Sang Ryu, Hansik Yun, Taerin Chung, Jeng Hun Suh, Sungho Kim, Kyookeun Lee, Nathan J. Wittenberg, Sang Hyun Oh, Byoungho Lee, Sin Doo Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


A label-free, non-dispruptive, and real-time analytical device to monitor the dynamic features of biomolecules and their interactions with neighboring molecules is an essential prerequisite for biochip- and diagonostic assays. To explore one of the central questions on the lipid-lipid interactions in the course of the liquid-ordered (lo) domain formation, called rafts, we developed a method of reconstituting continuous but spatially heterogeneous lipid membrane platforms with molayer-bilayer juntions (MBJs) that enable to form the lo domains in a spatiotemporally controlled manner. This allows us to detect the time-lapse dynamics of the lipid-lipid interactions during raft formation and resultant membrane phase changes together with the raft-associated receptor-ligand binding through the surface plasmon resonance (SPR). For cross-validation, using epifluorescence microscopy, we demonstrated the underlying mechanisms for raft formations that the infiltration of cholesterols into the sphingolipid-enriched domains plays a crucial roles in the membrane phase-separation. Our membrane platform, being capable of monitoring dynamic interactions among lipids and performing the systematic optical analysis, will unveil physiological roles of cholesterols in a variety of biological events.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number111568
JournalBiosensors and Bioelectronics
StatePublished - Oct 1 2019

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2019 Elsevier B.V.


  • Lipid monolayer-bilayer junction
  • Lipid raft
  • Lipid-lipid interaction
  • Optical sensors
  • Real-time
  • Surface plasmon resonance


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