Kidney and pancreas transplantation without a crossmatch in select circumstances - It can be done

Arthur J Matas, Abhinav Humar, Raja Kandaswamy, William D Payne, Rainer W.G. Gruessner, David E.R. Sutherland

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4 Scopus citations


Given the constant flux in caseload and the number of personnel available in the OR, waiting for a final XM often prolongs organ preservation time (a room available at the time a XM is started is not available when the XM is completed). Longer preservation is associated with increased DGF and decreased graft survival. We have shown in a retrospective analysis that final XMs on 0% PRA recipients were always negative (Transplantation, 1999). We now describe a policy of: a) not doing screening XM and b) proceeding to the OR without a XM, in situations where the recipients's PRA has been documented to be 0% and when there have not been any interim transfusions (and the OR is ready before XM completion). Final XM is completed after the transplant. All patients send sera every 6 weeks for PRA (antiglobulin technique). If ≥3 consecutive PRAs are 0%, no donar-specific screening XM is done prior to calling the patient in for tx (UNOS allocation algorithm used). If there have not been any interim transfusions, we have proceeded to tx prior to completion of the final XM. Between 1 January 1998 and 31 December 1999, we did 109 CAD kidney (K) and 79 simultaneous kidney pancreas (SPK) tx; 67 (61%) K and 56 (71%) SPK had 0% PRA. Of the 0% PRA, 25/67 (37%) K and 28/56 (50%) SPK had no pretx XM. For K with no XM, cold ischemia was shorter (13.2±0.2 vs. 18±0.9 h, p=0.01) and DGF less (12% vs. 24%, p=0.3); for SPK with no XM, cold ischemia was shorter (15.2±2 vs. 18±0.9 h, p=0.1); no diff in DGF. All post-XM were negative and there were no hyperacute rejections; there was no diff in acute rejection episodes. Actuarial 1 yr graft survival: no XM-K=87.5%, SKP=82%; Yes XM-K=88%, SKP=86% (NS). Our data suggest it is safe, in select circumstances, to proceed to the OR without a XM. Elimination of the screening XM for 0% PRA candidates saves money. Proceeding to the OR (if available) without a final XM shortens cold ischemia time.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)236-239
Number of pages4
JournalClinical Transplantation
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2001


  • Crossmatch
  • Kidney
  • Transplantation


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