Investigations of the removal performance of oil separators when various mixtures of diesel and FAME are applied

Birgit Schärfinger, Tadele Measho Haile, Ilse Kogelbauer, Willibald Loiskandl, Maria Fürhacker

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The use of biogenic additives in fuels is required by law for environmental reasons. This raises the question of whether the oil separator tested according to ÖNORM EN 858-1 complies with these new requirements. In this study, a commercial mineral oil separator was tested with different fuels with up to 100 % biodiesel (FAME) and its elimination performance was described in terms of the parameters KW, KW-Index DIN EN ISO 9377-2 H 53 (2000), and also the non-standardized parameters for mineral oil analysis in accordance with H 18 and H 53 without the purification stage. The results showed that all the tests with different fuel mixtures complied with the test value of 5 mg/l laid out in EN 858-1 (2005) and based on the parameter mineral oil analysis in accordance with DIN 38409-H 18 (1981). As the purification stage of this method removes the biofuel fraction, the question arises as to whether fuels with increased biogenic content can be analyzed satisfactorily using these standardized mineral oil parameters; and whether the use of pure mineral oil for ÖNORM EN 858-1 (2005) performance tests is still suitable, or whether other fuels should also be used as test media.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)105-113
Number of pages9
JournalOsterreichische Wasser- Und Abfallwirtschaft
Issue number3-4
StatePublished - Apr 2013
Externally publishedYes


  • Biofuel
  • FAME
  • Mineral oil methods
  • Mineral oil separator with inclined coalescence medium
  • Separation technology


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