Influence of alloying elements on the stress corrosion of Fe- Cr- Ni alloys, (Influencia de los elementos aleantes en la corrosion bajo tension de las aleaciones Fe- Cr- Ni)


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Iron chromium nickel alloys with a fourth component in the ratio of 1. 5 at. % for metallic elements and 0. 1% FOR NONMETALLICS WERE STUDIED. In the case of a Fe- 20Cr- 15Ni alloy the results show that the most favorable elements are Be, Al, Zn and Cu while the most harmful are those of the platinum group, and Re, Mo and P. Transgranular cracking was observed in all alloys except those containing elements of the platinum group and rhenium, where cracking is intergranular.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)281-291
Number of pages11
JournalRevista de Metalurgia (Madrid)
Issue number4
StatePublished - Jan 1 1971


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