Incorporating pH into DFT-D+U and microflotation recovery studies on heterocyclic collector-pyrite interactions

Peace P. Mkhonto, Xingrong Zhang, Belinda McFadzean, Jestos Taguta, Yangge Zhu, Long Han, Phuti E. Ngoepe

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2 Scopus citations


This study adopted both computational and experimental approaches to design by modification of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole (MBT), 2-mercaptobenzoxazole (MBO) and 2-mercaptobenzimidazole (MBI) heterocyclic collectors by introducing a carbon sulphide (–CS2) group and forming 2-trithiocarbonatebenzothiazole (TTCBT), 2-trithiocarbonatebenzoxazole (TTCBO) and 2-trithiocarbonatebenzomidazole (TTCBI) derivatives collectors. The adsorption behaviour of the heterocyclic collectors (and derivatives) on pyrite and subsequent hydrophobicity at different pH conditions were characterised using molecular modelling and microflotation approaches, respectively. The computational adsorptions were performed on dry and hydrated surfaces in their neutral thiolate and thione (acidic) form on the pyrite (1 0 0) surface. It was found that under dry and neutral conditions the TTCBONa and TTCBTNa were more exothermic, while under dry and acidic conditions the TTCBIH was more exothermic followed by MBIH and MBTH. Under hydrated and neutral conditions MBONa was predicted as the most exothermic, while for hydrated and acidic conditions MBTH, TTCBTH and TTCBIH were more exothermic. It was found that under acidic conditions, the heterocyclic collectors were more exothermic than for neutral condition on the hydrated surface. The microflotation at pH = 8 showed that MBO achieved higher recoveries, while at pH = 6 MBT, TTCBT and TTCBI achieved higher recoveries that could reach 90 %. The derivatives under acidic conditions were found to have good recovery performance, which showed that the introduction of a –CS2 group on the exocyclic sulphur atom improved the affinity and therefore hydrophobicity of the mercapto-heterocyclic collectors on the pyrite surface, and thus these derivatives can enhance the flotation of pyrite minerals. In addition, the computational predictions complimented by experimental recoveries are essential to a meaningful development of modelling as a tool in mineral processing reagent design.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number126430
JournalSeparation and Purification Technology
StatePublished - Jun 13 2024
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 The Author(s)


  • Adsorption of energies
  • DFT-D+U
  • Heterocyclic collectors
  • Microflotation
  • Pyrite mineral
  • pH conditions


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