Immediate temperature response in northern Iberia to last deglacial changes in the North Atlantic

J. L. Bernal-Wormull, A. Moreno, C. Pérez-Mejías, M. Bartolomé, A. Aranburu, M. Arriolabengoa, E. Iriarte, I. Cacho, C. Spötl, R. L. Edwards, Hai Cheng

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

25 Scopus citations


Major disruptions in the North Atlantic circulation during the last deglaciation triggered a series of climate feedbacks that influenced the course of Termination I, suggesting an almost synchronous response in the ocean-atmosphere system. We present a replicated δ18O stalagmite record from Ostolo cave in the northern Iberian Peninsula with a robust chronological framework that continuously covers the last deglaciation (18.5–10.5 kyr B.P.). The Ostolo δ18O record, unlike other speleothem records in the region that were related to humidity changes, closely tracks the well-known high-latitude temperature evolution, offering important insights into the structure of the last deglaciation in the Northern Hemisphere. In addition, this new record is accompanied by a clear signal of the expected cooling events associated with the deglacial disruptions in North Atlantic deep convection during Heinrich event 1.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)999-1003
Number of pages5
Issue number8
StatePublished - 2021
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
We thank the three anonymous reviewers for suggestions and comments. We acknowledge the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) grants 41888101 and 42050410317, the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China (2020M683452), and Spanish projects CTM2013–48639-C2–2-R (OPERA), CGL2016–77479-R (SPYRIT), PID2019–106050RBI00 (PYCACHU), CTM2016–75411-R (CHIMERA), and INFRARED-FEDER/2019-IsoTOPIK (UBU01) for funding. J.L. Bernal-Wormull is supported by an FPI grant (ref. BES-2017–081125). M. Bartolomé is supported by a postdoctoral fellowship (FJCI-2017–31725). We are grateful to P. Töchterle and M. Wimmer for support during analysis, and to I. Altzuri, K. Sanchez, and all people who helped during field work. We would like to acknowledge the use of Servicio de Apoyo a la Investig-ación, Zaragoza. I. Cacho thanks the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA) academia program from the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Funding Information:
We thank the three anonymous reviewers for suggestions and comments. We acknowledge the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) grants 41888101 and 42050410317, the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China (2020M683452), and Spanish projects CTM2013?48639-C2?2-R (OPERA), CGL2016?77479-R (SPYRIT), PID2019?106050RB-I00 (PYCACHU), CTM2016?75411-R (CHIMERA), and INFRARED-FEDER/2019-IsoTOPIK (UBU01) for funding. J.L. Bernal-Wormull is supported by an FPI grant (ref. BES-2017?081125). M. Bartolom? is supported by a postdoctoral fellowship (FJCI-2017?31725). We are grateful to P. T?chterle and M. Wimmer for support during analysis, and to I. Altzuri, K. Sanchez, and all people who helped during field work. We would like to acknowledge the use of Servicio de Apoyo a la Investigaci?n, Zaragoza. I. Cacho thanks the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA) academia program from the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 Geological Society of America


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