High-Power Magnetoelectric Voltage Tunable Inductors

Yongke Yan, Liwei D. Geng, Lujie Zhang, Cong Tu, Rammohan Sriramdas, Hairui Liu, Xiaotian Li, Mohan Sanghadasa, Khai D.T. Ngo, Yu U. Wang, Shashank Priya

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


Magnetoelectric voltage tunable inductors (VTIs) offer a new paradigm for power electronics circuit design. Here, air-gapped VTIs are demonstrated exhibiting a large inductance tunability of 220% with applied fields under 20 kVcm-1 and operational stability up to 5 MHz that covers the full frequency range of the state-of-the-art power electronics. The design of air-gapped VTI comprises of two C-shaped ferrite cores, one permeability-variable magnetic flux valve (MFV) in between C-shaped cores, and slotted air gap between cores and MFV. The tunability of VTIs is achieved through the electric field modulation of permeability in the MFV based on the magnetoelectric effect. There is a tradeoff between the tunability and saturation current. The introduction of air gap significantly reduces the tunability but provides methodology toward increasing the saturation current and power handling capability due to the increased reluctance. The inductance and tunability reduces by 50% with increase in the air-gap width from 0.07 mm to infinity (condition with no C-shaped cores). Phase field simulations demonstrate that the air gap affects the magnetization, permeability, and tunability of VTIs by tailoring the demagnetization field that further influences the magnetic domain rotation process. VTIs with increased frequency range and saturation current will strengthen the continued development of tunable power electronics.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number9080592
Pages (from-to)5355-5365
Number of pages11
JournalIEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2021
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Manuscript received July 31, 2019; revised December 28, 2019, March 5, 2020, and March 30, 2020; accepted April 13, 2020. Date of publication April 28, 2020; date of current version February 17, 2021. The work of Y. Yan, L. D. Geng, L. Zhang, C. Tu, K. D. T. Ngo, and Y. U. Wang was supported by the DARPA MATRIX TE3 Program. The work of H. Liu, X. Li, and S. Priya was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant 1832179. The work of R. Sriramdas was supported by the Office of Naval Research under Award N000141712520. (Corresponding authors: Yongke Yan; Shashank Priya.) Yongke Yan, Rammohan Sriramdas, Hairui Liu, Xiaotian Li, and Shashank Priya are with the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 USA (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]).

Publisher Copyright:
© 1982-2012 IEEE.


  • ferrite
  • Inductor
  • magnetic device
  • magnetoelectric (ME)
  • tunable


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