Helicity modulus near a three-state Potts-like transition

I. M. Jiang, C. C. Huang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


By employing Monte Carlo simulations, both the helicity modulus and the heat capacity of a coupled classical XY model in two dimensions have been calculated. The model is based on the Hamiltonian proposed by Bruinsma and Aeppli [Phys. Rev. Lett. 48, 1625 (1982)]. For the first time, the model enables us to study the temperature dependence of the helicity modulus and obtain the associated critical exponent near a three-state Potts transition.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)104-108
Number of pages5
JournalPhysica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Issue number1-3
StatePublished - Nov 15 1995

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
One of us (C.C.H.) would like to thank Prof. C. Dasgupta for valuable discussions. This work was partially supported by the National Science Council, Taiwan, under Contract No. NSC 83-0208-M-110-043, the Supercomputer Institute, University of Minnesota and National Science Foundation, Solid State Chemistry, Grant No. DMR 93-00781.


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