Heat transfer - a review of 1988 literature

E. R.G. Eckert, R. J. Goldstein, E. Pfender, W. E. Ibele, S. V. Patankar, T. W. Simon, N. A. Decker, H. Lee, S. L. Girshick, C. J. Scott, P. J. Strykowski, K. K. Tamma

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)2211-2280
Number of pages70
JournalInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 1989

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Glasgow,S cotland1, 4-16S eptembewr ass ponsoredby theI nstitutiono f MechanicaEl ngineerst, heI nstitution of Chemical Engineers,a nd the U.K. Heat Transfer Society. Inquiries aboutc onferencep aperss houldb e directedt o theI nstitutiono f ChemicalE ngineers. The 7th World Hydrogen Energy Conference in Moscow, U.S.S.R., on 25-29 Septembedr ealti n plenary lecturesa ndp osters essionsw ith productions, tor-age,t ransmissiona,n du seo f hydrogen.In formationo n thel ecturesc anbe obtaineda tt heI nternationaAl ssocia-tion for HydrogenE nergy,C oral Gables,F lorida. An international Symposium on Combustion and Plasma Synthesis of High Temperature Materials in San Francisco,C alifornia,o n 23-26 Octoberw as sponsoredb y the Basic ScienceD ivision of the AmericanC eramic Society. The 109th ASME Winter Annual Meeting in Chicago,I llinois, 27 November-2D ecemberi,n cluded in its programp osters essions,s ymposia,a nd panel sessionso n a large varietyo f basic and appliedh eat transfers ubjects.H eatt ransferm emoriala wardsw ere presentetdo FrankP . Incroperaa ndt oG eraldM . Faeth. Larry Smarrg avea lectureo n “The numericall abora-tory super-computingan d scientific visualization” at the heatt ransferd inner. The papersp resenteda t the meetinga rec ollectedin specialv olumesa nda rea vailable from the ASME Order DepartmentA. Second NationalMeetingonThermalSciences inA guasdeL m-dola, SP, Brazil, on 6-8 Decembero, rganizedb y the BrazilianA ssociationofM echanicaSl ciencesi,n cluded paperso n turbulencet,h ermapl ropertiesa,n dh eatt rans-fer with variousa pplications.T he 5th Miami International Symposium on Multi-phase Transport & Particulate Phenomena was presentedon 12-14 Decembeirn Miami Beach,F lorida, by theC lean Energy Research Institute,U niversityo f Miami, in cooperationw ith the InternationaAl ssociationf or HydrogenE nergy. Con-densedp apersc an be obtainedf rom theC lean Energy Institute.

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