Halitosis management by the general dental practitioner - Results of an international consensus workshop

R. Seemann, M. D. Conceicao, A. Filippi, J. Greenman, P. Lenton, S. Nachnani, M. Quirynen, S. Roldan, H. Schulze, N. Sterer, A. Tangerman, E. G. Winkel, K. Yaegaki, M. Rosenberg

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80 Scopus citations


Clinical investigations on patients suffering from halitosis clearly reveal that in the vast majority of cases the source for an offensive breath odor can be found within the oral cavity (90%). Based on these studies, the main sources for intra-oral halitosis where tongue coating, gingivitis/periodontitis or a combination of the two. Thus, it is perfectly logical that general dental practitioners (GDPs) should be able to manage intra-oral halitosis under the conditions found in a normal dental practice. However, GDPs who are interested in diagnosing and treating halitosis are challenged to incorporate scientifically based strategies for use in their clinics. Therefore, the present paper summarizes the results of a consensus workshop of international authorities held with the aim to reach a consensus on general guidelines on how to assess and diagnose patients' breath odor concerns and general guidelines on regimens for the treatment of halitosis.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number017101
JournalJournal of Breath Research
Issue number1
StatePublished - Mar 2014


  • consensus report
  • halitosis
  • oral malodor


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