Grand Unified Theory Precursors and Nontrivial Fixed Points in Higher-Dimensional Gauge Theories

Keith R. Dienes, Emilian Dudas, Tony Gherghetta

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

29 Scopus citations


Within the context of traditional logarithmic grand unification at [Formula presented], we show that it is nevertheless possible to observe certain GUT states such as [Formula presented] and [Formula presented] gauge bosons at lower scales, perhaps even in the TeV range. We refer to such states as “GUT precursors.” These states offer an interesting alternative possibility for new physics at the TeV scale, and could be used to directly probe GUT physics even though the scale of gauge coupling unification remains high. Our results also give rise to a Kaluza-Klein realization of nontrivial fixed points in higher-dimensional gauge theories.

Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalPhysical review letters
Issue number6
StatePublished - Aug 7 2003

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
K. R. D. was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. PHY-0071054, and by the Research Corporation. E. D. was supported in part by ?>the RTN European Program HPRN-CT-2000-00148. We thank K. Agashe, A. Delgado, C. Grojean, K. Intriligator, G. D. Kribs, J. Mourad, Y. Nomura, M. J. Strassler, and especially E. Poppitz for discussions. K. R. D. and T. G. acknowledge the hospitality of the Aspen Center for Physics where this work was initiated, and K. R. D. and E. D. acknowledge the hospitality of the Theoretical Physics Institute at the University of Minnesota where this work was completed.


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