Frequency of lymphocytes bearing Fc receptors and surface membrane immunoglobulins in normal, persistent lymphocytotic and leukemia cows.

S. P. Kumar, P. S. Paul, K. A. Pomeroy, D. W. Johnson, C. C. Muscoplat, M. J. Van Der Maaten, J. M. Miller, D. K. Sorensen

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28 Scopus citations


Fluoresceinated, heat-aggregated bovine immunoglobulins (B-IgG) and human immunoglobulins (H-IgG) were used to detect a receptor for the crystallizable fragment (Fc) of the immunoglobulin molecule on peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of cattle. The aggregated and B-IgG and H-IgG bound to the bovine PBL, but aggregated H-IgG was found to be more sensitive for the detection of Fc receptors. The specificity of aggregated H-IgG binding to the Fc receptors was established by demonstrating that antigen-antibody complexes inhibited this binding, and unaggregated H-IgG did not bind significantly to PBL. Double-labeling experiments suggested that all Fc+ cells have surface immunoglobulins (SIg), a marker for B lymphocytes. The percentage of Fc+ and SIg+ cells in normal animals was 9.5% (range 4-15%) and 16.2% (range 4.5-30.2%), respectively. Persistent lymphocytotic cows had 2.71 times more Fc+ and 3.85 times more SIg+ lymphocytes than did normal cows. Cows with lymphosarcoma had a lower percentage of Fc+ and SIg+ cells than did cows with persistent lymphocytosis. Cases with thymic lymphosarcoma and those with the skin form of leukemia had normal percentages of Fc+ and SIg+ cells.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)45-49
Number of pages5
JournalAmerican Journal of Veterinary Research
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 1 1978


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