Flow and heat transfer in the boundary layer on a continuous moving surface

F. K. Tsou, Ephraim M Sparrow, R. J. Goldstein

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676 Scopus citations


A combined analytical and experimental study of the flow and temperature fields in the boundary layer on a continuous moving surface has been carried out. The investigation includes both laminar and turbulent flow conditions. The analytical solutions provide results for the boundary-layer veolcity and temperature distributions and for the surface-friction and heat-transfer coefficients. Measurements of the laminar velocity field are in excellent agreement with the analytical predictions, thereby verifying that a mathematically describable boundary layer on a continuous moving surface is a physically realizable flow. Experimentally determined turbulent velocity profiles are also in very good accord with those of analysis. Similar agreement is found to exist for friction coefficients deduced from the data by application of the Clauser-plot technique. Temperature distribution measurements, carried out for the turbulent boundary layer, show satisfactory correspondence with analysis.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)219-235
Number of pages17
JournalInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 1967


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