Five puzzles for externalism about semantic and mental content

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Extemalism about semantic and mental content (also known as antiindividualism) is the dominant view in the philosophy of language and mind. My aim in this paper is to reveal unnoticed tensions within the externalist camp, which, if unresolved, might imperil the standard externalist account. The frst puzzle presents the case of a person whose whole life consists of fast switches between two worlds. The other four puzzles put pressure on extemalism by pitting physical factors against social factors. I will consider several possible responses to each of the puzzles, and discuss their costs - perhaps some externalists will be willing to pay some of those prices, perhaps not.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)303-317
Number of pages15
JournalLogique et Analyse
Issue number223
StatePublished - Jul 2013


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