Field vaccination against hemorrhagic enteritis of turkeys by a cell-culture live-virus vaccine.

A. M. Fadly, K. Nazerian, K. Nagaraja, G. Below

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19 Scopus citations


A cell-culture-propagated (CC) live-virus hemorrhagic enteritis (HE) vaccine was evaluated for efficacy and safety in two field trials conducted in North Carolina (NC) and Minnesota (MN). At 4 or 5 1/2 weeks of age, 9,839 poults in NC and 15,857 poults in MN were vaccinated with a CC HE vaccine administered via the drinking water. A comparable number of poults were maintained as unvaccinated controls. Vaccinated and unvaccinated poults were compared for seroconversion, response to laboratory challenge with a virulent HE virus at 3 weeks postvaccination, livability, percentage graded A, and average weight at marketing. In both trials, vaccination with the CC HE vaccine resulted in immunity against HE as indicated by seroconversion and by resistance to HE lesions following laboratory challenge with virulent HE virus. Compared with unvaccinated groups, vaccinated groups had a significantly higher percentage of turkeys graded A in the NC trial and in two of three flocks in the MN trial (P less than 0.005). Further, in the NC trial, livability was significantly higher (P less than 0.005) in vaccinated turkeys than in unvaccinated turkeys. These data indicate that the CC HE vaccine is efficacious and safe to use in the field.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)768-777
Number of pages10
JournalAvian diseases
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1985


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