Fibroblast traction-migration relationships in collagen gels

David I. Shreiber, Robert T. Tranquillo

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


We used our novel assay of cell behavior in tissue equivalents to continue investigating relationships between fibroblast traction and migration in collagen gels. The inhibition of HFF adhesion to collagen via an antibody targeted against the β1 integrin subunit significantly decreased cell traction and increased cell migration in free floating collagen. This stands in contrast to previous results where PDGF-BB induced an increase in RDF migration in free floating collagen that correlated with an increase in cell traction. These results demonstrate the complex response of fibroblasts to environmental cues, and point to opportunities to orchestrate cell behavior to affect the outcome of wound healing.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)667-668
Number of pages2
JournalAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED
StatePublished - Dec 1 2001
EventProceedings of the 2001 Bioengineering Conference - Snowbird, UT, United States
Duration: Jun 27 2001Jul 1 2001


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