Evaluation of the effective elastic moduli of particulate composites based on maxwell's concept of equivalent inhomogeneity: Microstructure-induced anisotropy

Volodymyr I. Kushch, Sofia G. Mogilevskaya, Henryk K. Stolarski, Steven L. Crouch

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

21 Scopus citations


Maxwell's concept of equivalent inhomogeneity is employed for evaluating the effective elastic properties of macroscopically anisotropic particulate composites with isotropic phases. The effective anisotropic elastic properties of the material are obtained by comparing the far-field solutions for the problem of a finite cluster of isotropic particles embedded in an infinite isotropic matrix with those for the problem of a single anisotropic equivalent inhomogeneity embedded in the same matrix. The former solutions precisely account for the interactions between all particles in the cluster and for their geometrical arrangement. Illustrative examples involving periodic (simple cubic) and random composites suggest that the approach provides accurate estimates of their effective elastic moduli.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)283-303
Number of pages21
JournalJournal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures
Issue number5-7
StatePublished - 2013


  • Anisotropic elastic moduli
  • Maxwell's methodology
  • Particulate composites
  • Spherical harmonics
  • Spherical particles


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