Evaluation of Selected Mathematical Approaches to the Kinetics of Protein Degradation in Situ

Alex Bach, Marshall D. Stern, Neal R. Merchen, James K. Drackley

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10 Scopus citations


A linear model, two mathematical nonlinear models, and a curve-peeling procedure were used to estimate rate and extent of ruminal CP degradation of meat and bone meal (MBM) and soybean meal (SBM) from data obtained using the in situ Dacron polyester bag technique. Most of the values for extent of CP degradation of MBM were lowest when determined using curve peeling or the nonlinear models. In general, rates and extents of CP degradation of MBM estimated using the linear model and including ruminal incubations up to 12 h were greater than those obtained with the linear model and including ruminal incubations up to 24 h or up to 72 h. In addition, the models ranked the MBM samples differently for rate and extent of CP degradation. The results of the lack-of-fit test indicated that the linear model was inappropriate for estimating rate of degradation of MBM. However, CP degradation for SBM could be described by the linear model if long ruminal incubation times (greater than 48 h) were included in the calculations. Regression analyses were conducted to evaluate various compositional characteristics as predictors of CP degradation for MBM. Most of the correlation coefficients between CP degradation and the same independent variables were greater when the nonlinear models and curve peeling were used compared with the linear model. In general, the correlation coefficients between extent of CP degradation and the independent variables obtained with the linear model increased as the duration of ruminal incubations included in the model increased. Lysine concentrations, followed by CP solubility and ash content, were the best predictors of ruminal degradation of MBM protein. When using a specific mathematical model to predict CP degradation, analysis of residuals vs fitted and lack-of-fit tests should be performed to assess the validity of the model to describe the degradation patterns of the protein source under consideration. Also, long (at least 48 h) ruminal incubation times may be needed to correctly describe the pattern of CP degradation for MBM.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)2885-2893
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of animal science
Issue number11
StatePublished - 1998


  • Mathematical models
  • Meat and bone meal
  • Protein degradation
  • Rumen
  • Soybean oilmeal


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