Evaluation of coronary artery disease in the Hurler syndrome by angiography

Elizabeth A. Braunlin, David W. Hunter, William Krivit, Barbara A. Burke, Peter S. Hesslein, Priscilla T. Porter, Chester B. Whitley

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

34 Scopus citations


Hurler syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis type I-H) is an inherited lysosomal storage disease characterized by the widespread accumulation of mucopolysaccharide in tissues throughout the body.1 Although severe coronary artery luminal narrowing has been documented by postmortem examination of the heart of patients with Hurler syndrome,2 the only reported study in which coronary angiography was performed stated that the coronary arteries appeared normal.3 As part of an ongoing protocol at our institution, selective coronary angiography was performed in children with Hurler syndrome before bone marrow transplantation. The subsequent availability of postmortem material from 3 such patients has allowed us to perform a retrospective analysis of the usefulness of selective coronary angiography in detecting the presence of coronary artery disease in patients with the Hurler syndrome.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1487-1489
Number of pages3
JournalThe American Journal of Cardiology
Issue number17
StatePublished - Jun 1 1992

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
From the Departments of Pediatrics, Radiology, Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, and the Institute of Human Genetics, University of Minnesota Hospital and Clinic, Box 94, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455. This report was supported in part by Grant POI-CA21737 from the National Cancer Institute, Grant ROl-DK39891 from the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases, and by a grant from the Bone Marrow Transplantation Research Fund. Manuscript received December 9, 1991; revised manuscript received and accepted February 10,1992.


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