Effects of neutrino oscillations on nucleosynthesis and neutrino signals for an 18M supernova model

Meng Ru Wu, Yong Zhong Qian, Gabriel Martínez-Pinedo, Tobias Fischer, Lutz Huther

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66 Scopus citations


In this paper, we explore the effects of neutrino flavor oscillations on supernova nucleosynthesis and on the neutrino signals. Our study is based on detailed information about the neutrino spectra and their time evolution from a spherically symmetric supernova model for an 18M progenitor. We find that collective neutrino oscillations are not only sensitive to the detailed neutrino energy and angular distributions at emission, but also to the time evolution of both the neutrino spectra and the electron density profile. We apply the results of neutrino oscillations to study the impact on supernova nucleosynthesis and on the neutrino signals from a Galactic supernova. We show that in our supernova model, collective neutrino oscillations enhance the production of rare isotopes La138 and Ta180 but have little impact on the νp-process nucleosynthesis. In addition, the adiabatic Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein flavor transformation, which occurs in the C/O and He shells of the supernova, may affect the production of light nuclei such as Li7 and B11. For the neutrino signals, we calculate the rate of neutrino events in the Super-Kamiokande detector and in a hypothetical liquid argon detector. Our results suggest the possibility of using the time profiles of the events in both detectors, along with the spectral information of the detected neutrinos, to infer the neutrino mass hierarchy.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number065016
JournalPhysical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Issue number6
StatePublished - Mar 13 2015

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2015 American Physical Society.


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