Effect of ZnO and CuO on the sintering temperature and piezoelectric properties of a hard piezoelectric ceramic

Cheol Woo Ahn, Hyun Cheol Song, Sahn Nahm, Shashank Priya, Seung Ho Park, Kenji Uchino, Hyeung Gyu Lee, Hwack Joo Lee

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101 Scopus citations


Hard piezoelectrics with high dielectric and piezoelectric constants are used for high-power applications. However, the sintering temperature of these ceramics is high, around 1200°C, restricting the usage of cheap base metal electrodes in fabrication of multi-layer components. This study investigates the effect of CuO and ZnO on the sintering temperature of a hard piezoelectric, APC 841, which is a MnO 2- and Nb 2O 5-modified PZT. The addition of CuO decreased the sintering temperature through the formation of a liquid phase. However, the piezoelectric properties of the CuO-added ceramics sintered at ≤950°C were lower than the desired values. The addition of ZnO resulted in a significant improvement in the piezoelectric properties. This enhancement was attributed to the formation of a homogeneous microstructure with large grains. The APC 841+0.2 wt% CuO+1.1 wt% ZnO ceramics sintered at 950°C showed excellent piezoelectric and dielectric properties with values of k p=0.532, Q m=750, d 33=351 pC/N, ε 33o=1337, and T c=280°C.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)921-925
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of the American Ceramic Society
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 2006
Externally publishedYes


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