Effect of Weight Goals on Sitting and Moving during a Worksite Sedentary Time Reduction Intervention

Krista S. Leonard, Junia N de Brito, Miranda L. Larouche, Sarah A Rydell, Nathan R. Mitchell, Mark A. Pereira, Matthew P. Buman

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Introduction/Purpose: Although many U.S. adults report trying to lose weight, little research has examined weight loss goals as a motivator for reducing workplace sitting and increasing physical activity. This exploratory analysis examined weight goals and the association with changes in workplace sitting, physical activity, and weight. Methods: Employees (N = 605) were drawn from worksites participating in Stand and Move at Work. Worksites (N = 24) were randomized to a multilevel behavioral intervention with (STAND+) or without (MOVE+) sit–stand workstations for 12 months; MOVE+ worksites received sit–stand workstations from 12 to 24 months. At each assessment (baseline and 3, 12, and 24 months), participants were weighed and wore activPAL monitors. Participants self-reported baseline weight goals and were categorized into the “Lose Weight Goal” (LWG) group if they reported trying to lose weight or into the “Other Weight Goal” (OWG) group if they did not. Results: Generalized linear mixed models revealed that within STAND+, LWG and OWG had similar sitting time through 12 months. However, LWG sat significantly more than OWG at 24 months. Within MOVE+, sitting time decreased after introduction of sit–stand workstations for LWG and OWG, although LWG sat more than OWG. Change in physical activity was minimal and weight remained stable in all groups. Conclusions: Patterns of change in workplace sitting were more favorable in OWG relative to LWG, even in the absence of notable weight change. Expectations of weight loss might be detrimental for reductions in workplace sitting. Interventionists may want to emphasize nonweight health benefits of reducing workplace sitting.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numbere000210
JournalTranslational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine
Issue number4
StatePublished - Sep 15 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
Copyright © 2022 by the American College of Sports Medicine.


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