Ecology and management of the soybean aphid in North America

David W. Ragsdale, Douglas A. Landis, Jacques Brodeur, George E. Heimpel, Nicolas Desneux

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

461 Scopus citations


The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, has become the single most important arthropod pest of soybeans in North America. Native to Asia, this invasive species was first discovered in North America in July 2000 and has rapidly spread throughout the northcentral United States, much of southeastern Canada, and the northeastern United States. In response, important elements of the ecology of the soybean aphid in North America have been elucidated, with economic thresholds, sampling plans, and chemical control recommendations widely adopted. Aphid-resistant soybean varieties were available to growers in 2010. The preexisting community of aphid natural enemies has been highly effective in pressing aphid populations in many situations, and classical biological control efforts have focused on the addition of parasitoids of Asian origin. The keys to sustainable management of this pest include understanding linkages between the soybean aphid and other introduced and native species in a landscape context along with continued development of aphid-resistant varieties.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)375-399
Number of pages25
JournalAnnual review of entomology
StatePublished - Jan 7 2011


  • Aphis glycines
  • IPM
  • biological control
  • economic threshold
  • invasive species


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