Doing feminist sport psychology

Heather J Peters, Leeja Carter, Carole Oglesby, Lauren Morimoto, Teresa Peterson

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Gill (2001), Carole Oglesby, Ruth Hall, Vikki Krane, Leslee Fisher, and many other feminist scholars and practitioners have challenged the field of sport, performance, and exercise psychology to incorporate feminism into its foundational practice. In doing so, we must also move feminist sport psychology theory to applied, everyday practice. Bringing feminist approaches into sport has been discussed extensively within this text interrogating its place in ethical research and applied approaches, demystifying the F word, providing historical context on feminism within broader political contexts and in sport, as well as giving essays from practitioners on their personal and professional experiences. This chapter is meant to provide a fierce dialogue about the current status of feminism in sport and how we “do” it in sport. Further, this chapter provides a call to action, movement, and advocacy from two feminist sport psychology practitioners one who identifies as a fiery womanist, believer, and storyteller and the other a woman-identified rebel as well as a several multicultural sport and feminist practitioners.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationFeminist Applied Sport Psychology From Theory to Practice
PublisherRoutledge Taylor & Francis Group
StatePublished - 2020


  • Centering
  • Feminist sport psychology
  • National Governing Bodies


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