Differing paradecadal cycles, semidecadal/decadal amplituderatios and vascular variabilityanomalies in the physiologyof a physician-scientist

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Systolic (S) and diastolic (D) blood pressure (BP), pulse pressure (PP), heart rate(HR) and core temperature, self-measured 4-8 times per day for 16 years by a manundergoing hypotensive treatment (with current vascular variability anomalies, VVAs),undergo about 10-year cycles. The periods, τs, found have point estimates of 10.6, 12.8,10.0, 13.7 and 9.2 years, respectively, that seem similar but have some non-overlappingCIs (95% confidence intervals). Some, but not all physiological decadal τs overlappedeach other or those of paradecadal τs in the geomagnetic index aa, in Wolf numbers(WN) and in cosmic rays (CR). Congruences (overlapping CIs of τs), neither among allphysiological variables nor between them, on the one hand, and the three(governmentally monitored) environmental cycles, on the other hand, are in keeping witha partial internal (within the organism) and partial external (between EH and hisenvironment) paradecadal asynchronization, to be aligned with the usually dominantcircadian synchronization with some differences in phases of most physiologicalvariables. WN, aa and CR were analyzed during the span on the physiological data as awhole and again after decimation corresponding to interruptions in the physiological data(match), the latter to study any effect of gaps creating artifacts. The antipodalgeomagnetic index aa exhibited a τ of 10.73 years in the series as a whole and in thedecimated series. WN and CR from Rome, corrected for barometric pressure, had a τ of11.2 and 11.0 years for all or matched data, respectively. Each of the paradecadalcomponents was also accompanied by a parasemidecadal component, which in the caseof SBP and temperature had a larger amplitude than that of the paradecadal cycle,yielding parasemidecadal/paradecadal amplitude ratios of 261% and 117% respectively,while these ratios were 73% for DBP, 60% for PP and 70% for HR. In the man examined,as in an earlier case, there may also be a selective partial internal decadal to semidecadalfrequency multiplication complementing a selective assortment of paradecadal periods inkeeping with a possible circadecadal internal and external partial asynchronization.(Evidence about prior synchronization with biospheric responses to the phase-shift of theenvironmental cycle, and many more observations with a subtraction-and/or-additionapproach would be needed for describing the same data as a partial external and internaldesynchronization, a term which implies an environmental synchronizer, whereas as yetwe refer only to environmental influencers or, at best, to [transient] external drivers.)These findings, based on overlapping and non-overlapping CIs of τs from theMarquardt algorithm, await both better such intervals, accounting for non-stationarities inspace and time and experiments by nature itself, by changing phase of a componentand/or by omitting a frequency from its spectrum to allow the study of biosphericconsequences by a remove-and-replace approach. The asynchronization is partial insofaras it relates only to a few organismic (2 out of 5 in the external case) and a fewenvironmental variables. It seems to be physiological, since the subject is clinicallyhealthy at 86 years of age (in 2012) at the time of this report, although he happens to havesome VVAs in an ~7-day around-the-clock chronobiologically-interpreted record thatshould prompt further monitoring.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationNew Research in Cardiovascular Health
PublisherNova Science Publishers, Inc.
Number of pages26
ISBN (Electronic)9781629489773
ISBN (Print)9781629489933
StatePublished - Jan 1 2014

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2014 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.


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