Detection and classification of cyclostationary signals via cyclic-HOS: a unified approach

Amod V. Dandawate, Georgios B. Giannakis

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

8 Scopus citations


Detection and classification of cyclostationary signals in noise of unknown distribution is addressed and novel tests for cyclostationarity are proposed. Both cases of known and unknown signal statistics are considered. The proposed approaches exploit the asymptotic normality of sample cyclic- cumulant and polyspectrum estimators for deriving asymptotically optimal X2 tests. Simpler, but generally suboptimal versions are also presented. Simulations are performed to test the proposed algorithms and illustrate their insensitivity to any stationary noise as well as the ability of higher-than second-order schemes to suppress cyclostationary Gaussian interferences of unknown covariance.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationProceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
PublisherPubl by Int Soc for Optical Engineering
Number of pages12
ISBN (Print)081940943X, 9780819409430
StatePublished - 1992
EventAdvanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations III - San Diego, CA, USA
Duration: Jul 19 1992Jul 21 1992

Publication series

NameProceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
ISSN (Print)0277-786X


OtherAdvanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations III
CitySan Diego, CA, USA


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