Detailed simulation of nitrogen dissociation in shock waves

Charles H. Campbell, Graham V. Candler

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


One of the most important and poorly understood processes in hypersonic flows is the coupling between a molecule’s vibrational state and its dissociation rate. The details of this process affect a vehicle’s aerodynamics and thermal protection requirements. It also has a direct effect on the level of ionization in the flow field. In this paper, we examine the vibrational relaxation and dissociation process near a high Mach number shock wave. The forced-harmonic oscillator and Schwartz-Slawsky-Herzfeld vibrational relaxation models with resonant vibration-vibration exchange are used to simulate the vibrational exchange mechanisms. A classical impulse dissociation model is used to simulate the N2-N2 and N2-N dissociation processes.

Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - Jan 1 1998
Event33rd Thermophysics Conference, 1999 - Norfolk, United States
Duration: Jun 28 1999Jul 1 1999


Other33rd Thermophysics Conference, 1999
Country/TerritoryUnited States


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