Detailed shoulder MRI findings in manual wheelchair users with shoulder pain

Melissa M.B. Morrow, Meegan G. Van Straaten, Naveen S. Murthy, Jonathan P Braman, Elia Zanella, Kristin D. Zhao

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

27 Scopus citations


Shoulder pain and pathology are common in manual wheelchair (MWC) users with paraplegia, and the biomechanical mechanism of injury is largely unknown. Establishing patterns of MRI characteristics in MWC users would help advance understanding of the mechanical etiology of rotator cuff disease, thus improving the logic for prescribed interventions. The purpose of this study was to report detailed shoulder MRI findings in a sample of 10 MWC users with anterolateral shoulder pain. The imaging assessments were performed using our standardized MRI Assessment of the Shoulder (MAS) guide. The tendon most commonly torn was the supraspinatus at the insertion site in the anterior portion in either the intrasubstance or articular region. Additionally, widespread tendinopathy, CA ligament thickening, subacromial bursitis, labral tears, and AC joint degenerative arthrosis and edema were common. Further reporting of detailed shoulder imaging findings is needed to confirm patterns of tears in MWC users regarding probable tendon tear zone, region, and portion. This investigation was a small sample observational study and did not yield data that can define patterns of pathology. However, synthesis of detailed findings from multiple studies could define patterns of pathological MRI findings allowing for associations of imaging findings to risk factors including specific activities.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number769649
JournalBioMed Research International
StatePublished - 2014

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
Copyright © 2014 Melissa M. B. Morrow et al.


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