Cycles tipping the scale between death and survival (="Life")

Franz Halberg, Germaine G Cornelissen-Guillaume, Robert B. Sothern, George S. Katinas, Othild Schwartzkopff, Kuniaki Otsuka

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Systematic chronobiologically interpreted ambulatory blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) monitoring (C-ABPM 7D/24H is now automatically possible; if continued around the clock over a week, this approach detects vascular variability disorders (WDs) that include, among others, high BP itself and CHAT, short for circadian hyperamplitude-tension. BP is never a constant "true" (resting) value and can be more reliably diagnosed by CABPM 7d/24h as MESOR-hypertension, MH. CHAT carries a risk of hard events greater than MH and can be treated, among other VVDs, which if they coexist constitute vascular variability syndromes (VVSs). A project on The BIOsphere and the COSmos, BIOCOS ([email protected]), provides, in exchange for the data, cost-free analyses and the opportunity of obtaining monitors at a cost reduction of 80%. Biospheric monitoring complements the records from purely physical tools for surveilling the variable sun, by validating in the biosphere the reality of intermittent, aeolian environmental spectral components that can be more consistent than their physical counterparts once they are coded in genes. C-ABPM 7D/24H indicates relevant associations of space weather with human health and ecology. Monitoring reveals, around and in living matter, a system of transdisciplinary cycles with common average periods, quantified with point-and-interval estimates of parameters. The cycles in space climate are critical in discussing global warming. The cycles' periods are described as congruent when their CIs (95% confidence intervals) overlie or overlap and the amplitudes' CIs' lower limits are positive. Some congruent cycles in organisms, counterparts of the environmental day and the seasons, relate to electromagnetic radiation in the visible domain; these are the usually environmentally synchronized socio-photo-thermoperiodisms (photics). The biosphere also resonates with or is pulled or driven by nonstationary, environmental nonphotic cycles (nonphotics) - particle emissions from the sun and the wider cosmos, cosmoheliogeomagnetics, ultraviolet flux, gravitation, acoustics and others. Non-photics, a set of in part transdisciplinarily-novel spectral components, can be intermittent; when present, they coexist and compete with signatures of photic cycles, monitored, e.g., in BP and HR. Nonphotics of, e.g., about (∼) 1 week (circaseptans) and ∼17 months (transyears), characterize mood and performance, modulate and sometimes override society's (photic) schedules, even in dying suddenly either unintentionally or by one's own will or at the hand of others. Nonphotics persist, but are damped in physiology or in terrorism, when their environmental counterpart is not detected. Their elucidation provides information on how a set of cycles covering 18 orders of magnitude in the frequency domain of the biosphere bears on the question "What is life?" : a resonance of the biosphere with periods of its environment constitutes life itself.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)153-181
Number of pages29
JournalProgress of Theoretical Physics Supplement
Issue number173
StatePublished - 2008


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