Crossover from ordinary to higher order Van Hove singularity in a honeycomb system: A parquet renormalization group analysis

Yueh Chen Lee, Dmitry Chichinadze, Andrey V. Chubukov

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We investigate the crossover from an ordinary Van Hove singularity (OVHS) to a higher order Van Hove singularity (HOVHS) in a model applicable to Bernal bilayer graphene and rhombohedral trilayer graphene in a displacement field. At small doping, these systems possess three spin-degenerate Fermi pockets near each Dirac point K and K′; at larger doping, the three pockets merge into a single one. The transition is of Lifshitz type and includes Van Hove singularities. Depending on system parameters, there are either three separate OVHS or a single HOVHS. We model this behavior by a one-parameter dispersion relation, which interpolates between OVHS and HOVHS. In each case, the diverging density of states triggers various electronic orders (superconductivity, pair density wave, valley polarization, ferromagnetism, spin, and charge density wave). We apply parquet renormalization group (pRG) technique and analyze how the ordering tendencies evolve between OVHS and HOVHS. We report rich system behavior caused by disappearance/reemergence and pair production/annihilation of the fixed points of the pRG flow.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number155118
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number15
StatePublished - Apr 15 2024
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 American Physical Society.


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